A wine or a liqueur is good when it is produced with love and without haste. Agricook producers are farms and farmhouses that know Nature's time and wait patiently for the right moment to harvest the grapes and raw materials, ferment them, and create liqueurs and wines with an intoxicating aroma and inimitable taste.
The white wines, red wines, grappas and liqueurs you find on Agricook are handcrafted by farms and agri-turismi in your area, who work the raw materials with care and produce a limited number of bottles. Check out the wines and spirits still available and don't miss out:
The scent and taste of each wine is so special that you have to know how to combine it with each dish to enjoy a culinary experience worthy of a great chef. Whether it's a crisp white, a full-bodied red, a crystal-clear grappa or a coffee drink, to enjoy our wines and liqueurs to the fullest, follow the advice of those who made them. Discover the combinations proposed by Agricook's farms and agritourisms.
The Agricook farms and agritourisms produce wines, grappas
and liqueurs with passion, respecting the rhythms of Nature and using only
zero-km raw materials. Only in this way can they guarantee you strong-tasting
spirits that make your aperitifs magical, water your meals with flavour and
bring them to a fitting end.
On Agricook you'll find trustworthy farms that grow grapes and produce their own white wines, red wi-nes, grappas and liqueurs to offer or resell to your farmhouse guests. Sign up for Agricook and discover all the possibilities offered by our community for both the search for new suppliers and the promotion of your farmhouse.
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